
A god is good
at something. That is
the only condition, even if
that something is the saying,
against all other evidence: 
God is good. What god
would ever admit
for instance
I cannot conceive
of you all, all
of the time

we are told,
terribly, beautifully,
without prejudice
not to worry—
looking down
at the withered field
or the dry creek bed—
for love
is worth the sorrow
so still you must try.

Michael Metiver

Michael Metivier is a writer, editor, and musician who lives with his family in Vermont. His work has previously appeared in EcoTheo Review (Spring 2019), jubilat, Crazyhorse, Tilted House, North American Review, and African American Review, among other journals, and is forthcoming in Bennington Review and Northern Woodlands magazine. 

Twitter: @grouse_hollow

Instagram: @grouse_hollow


‘To dwell / in the meanwhile’


An Interview with Esther Vincent Xueming